Dress code of Saudi Arabia – What to wear in Saudi Arabia

Since tourist visas became available to visitors in 2019, Saudi Arabia has welcomed tourists from all over the world and as of 2018, it is no longer mandatory to cover your head in Saudi Arabia as a woman. It is still a conservative country however and the dress code of Saudi Arabia is something that most people want to research before visiting. In this guide I’m going to talk you through ideas for what to wear in Saudi Arabia as well as rules regarding Saudi Arabia dress for females and males.

Dress Code of Saudi Arabia
Many people will be surprised to discover that there is no longer a legal dress code of Saudi Arabia for females. Since 2018 women are no longer required to cover their heads when visiting meaning that the hijab is not a legal requirement with the exception of visiting religious areas. Equally, the abaya, the long robe like item worn by many muslim women isn’t a legal requirement or official dress code of Saudi Arabia, although many foreign women in Saudi Arabia choose to wear one, both for comfort, modesty and style.

There is also not officially a dress code in Saudi Arabia for males. If you’re wondering “Can I wear shorts in Saudi Arabia” as a man? The answer is technically yes, although during my time there I didn’t see a man wearing shorts at all, so you’d probably feel more comfortable in loose trousers.

Saudi Arabia dress for females
Before I visited I spent a long time researching what to wear in Saudi Arabia. This wasn’t just a desire to fit in and adhere to cultural norms, although this was of course a consideration. Saudi Arabia is incredibly hot, especially during the Summer months, and I was keen to be able to explore without spending the whole trips sweaty and flustered.

It’s worth noting that the majority of local women still choose to wear a black burka, covering their faces, although in Jeddah and Riyadh, particularly around the malls and shopping areas it is much more common to see women without head coverings and in western clothing.

Saudi Arabia clothing for female tourists does depend on what activity you’re planning on doing – but here are some examples of what I wore during my trip.

Loose clothing is your friend
Given the high temperatures, then wearing loose fitting clothing in Saudi Arabia is a must. Think long flowing skirts, loose shirts or loose trousers / pants to allow the air to move and feel more breathable. I wore a lot of maxi dresses & I also wore loose trousers with a vest top and a loose shirt over the top. – Asos has an option to search by modest clothing and I found a few options there wear I still felt feminine, without being worried about getting too hot. Generally I didn’t show any skin at all, except ankles/feet – I don’t think anyone would have asked me to cover up had I shown more skin, but actually given the strength of the sun I didn’t want to be too exposed anyway.

Don’t be afraid of colours
Although you might see many local people wearing black abayas or a white thawb for men, this doesn’t mean you have to be worried about dressing in brighter colours. If you’re planning on taking photos then wearing brighter colours stands out against the sand or sand coloured buildings as a backdrop.

What to wear on an evening in Saudi Arabia?

When it comes to what to wear on evenings in Saudi Arabia, keep in mind that although it is obviously a little cooler given the sun has set, in the summer months it’s still very warm in the evenings. I did attend a couple of evening events where some ladies dressed very glamorously (although still conservatively). I chose to wear a long maxi dress and whilst at home I wouldn’t have done – in Saudi I wore a cropped vest underneath to ensure there wasn’t any cleavage showing.

Can I wear a bikini in Saudi Arabia?
Some of the 5* hotels and resorts do have pools but the swimming pool clothing rules vary from hotel to hotel. At two of the hotels I stayed at – Habitas AlUla and Banyan Tree AlUla then women wore bikinis around the pool area, but in all other communal areas then more modest clothing was chosen. At the beaches, then generally you’ll need to wear loose trousers and t-shirts for swimming, although some areas have female only sections where you can be more flexible about what you wear.

Clothes of Saudi Arabia
Of course if you’re keen then local people will be happy to see you wearing an abaya. They are readily available in most shopping areas and in some ways, wearing an abaya will make it easier to decide what to wear if you’re finding it difficult to select modest items. Equally, wearing an abaya as a tourist in Saudi Arabia can be fun as it feels like you’re acknowledging the culture and they can often be quite pretty!


I hope this guide helps you find it easier to plan what to wear in Saudi Arabia,

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